Home FITNESS I Hit the Gym Thrice Weekly for Eight Weeks: My Experience Revealed.

I Hit the Gym Thrice Weekly for Eight Weeks: My Experience Revealed.

by Joseph

Many people strive for fitness and weight loss, but the path to these goals isn’t uniform for everyone. If you’re inclined towards gym workouts and maintaining your health, you might question the optimal gym frequency for maximum results in the least amount of time. I embarked on a journey, hitting the gym thrice a week over two months, to find out.

Starting Point

Historically, I wasn’t an avid gym-goer. If the gym had been a routine, I’d probably have persisted because sometimes, it’s hard to discern our true desires or necessities in life. Once you commit, you generally continue unless other commitments take over – that’s my story. Overwhelmed with work and life, my fitness took a back seat. My knowledge about exercise was scant, but popular opinion touted its health benefits. So, I turned to Google for advice on the best weight loss exercises. Pull-ups surfaced as a top recommendation for abdominal weight loss, and I promptly integrated them into my regimen.

My Workout Journey

I recognized that consistently attending three gym sessions weekly might be unsustainable. However, during my initial month of this rigorous regimen, I faced no hitches. No pains, no sickness – absolutely nothing deterred my exercise schedule. This newfound discipline made me feel vibrant and rejuvenated, reminiscent of my high school sports days. This wellness continued until February when challenges arose. On January 30th, a shoulder strain during dumbbell chest presses acted as a wakeup call. While it wasn’t excruciating, I felt discomfort. Nevertheless, with an emphasis on correct technique and gradual progression, the risk of injury is minimal, even with lighter weights.

The Outcome

Over the course, I shed about five pounds and noticed some toning, especially in my chest and arms. However, the benefits weren’t solely from traditional gym workouts. Yoga emerged as a significant contributor to my fitness. The most surprising aspect? I found myself deeply invested in researching yoga: exploring the best studios, identifying accomplished instructors, and picking classes that align with my goals. For someone previously indifferent to health, I was now immersing myself in wellness.

Lessons Learned

While the gym was therapeutic and a fitness avenue, it wasn’t without its cons. My colleagues sensed a change when I refrained from weekend discussions or my newfound passion for yoga. Like any routine, missing a few gym sessions made resumption challenging. Multiple fitness experts propose three gym sessions a week as the optimal balance between dedication and motivation.

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